Monday, May 21, 2012

Reflection on Web 2.0 Project

One of the learning outcomes of MIS course is introduction to Web 2.0 tools and practically using these tools throughout the semester. The selected tools included Google tools, social networks and other website:
1.      My top favorite tools that I almost use everyday and which I found interesting are Facebook & Twitter.  Since I like to follow news, the two networking websites provided me with instance and live news broadcasts on different event.   
2.      Google Chrome changed my point of view about internet browsers. I was surprised on how fast and instant this browser works compared to my old and slow Internet Explorer. Also, the available applications that enhance the use of this tool.  
3.      I use Gmail from two years; I'm already familiar with it.
4.      Although I use Google, as my basic search engine, I never knew about Google Searching, specifically Web Search Features.  It reduced my time whenever I wish to look up something on the internet.
5.      As I see it, Google Picasa & Picasa Web is much simpler and basic to create photo albums or movies when compared to Windows Movie Maker. New aspect I found in this tool is that you can share albums online.
6.      I have enough knowledge to start using Google Earth & Delicious but I couldn't figure out what to use it for.
7.      I called the "great invention", Google Docs is so amazing and helpful for students, especially for group work. Me and my Group members use it a lot to add or adjust our project documents. 
8.      Blog is new to me, I had fun designing it, viewing and sharing posts with my friends.
9.      If I ever thought on designing a website, I'll start with Google Site
10.  I don't use Google Reader because I use social websites instead. I also don't use Google Calendar because I already use Outlook Calendar which I find much simple and easy.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Original Name of Hawaiian Islands

The Hawaiian Islands were originally named the Sandwich Islands by Captain James Cook when he came across them in 1778.  He called them Sandwich Islands after his superior invention of buttered toast which has been called sandwich.

 "In some nautical charts you can still find the Hawaiian Islands as Sandwich Islands."

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Roger Federer - The Greatest Tennis Player in History

I feel lucky to be living in the same era as RF,,,Exemplary Performance !!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Skiff Reader - Thinnest eBook Reader

The touchscreen Skiff Reader is an e-paper product designed by Hearst Corporation to review newspapers and magazinesIt provides a 3G/4G wireless, Wi-Fi and USB connectivity reading for users to download new content.

It is big enough to read books, newspapers, and magazines comfortably, while at the same time small enough to travel with you anywhere 
